Navigate to Content/Core/BlockGenerator/ and run the by right-clicking the WardGenerator. Then click run Editor Utility Widget. (Double Click following pictures to get clear view!)
Use WASD Key to navigate around the scene and Hold right mouse button to rotate the camera view.
Find a nice spot from a top view and click Generate Ward button. The tool will generate the ward starting from the center of the screen. You should get something like following.
Click run button and start to walk around. Use F key to switch between fly mode and third person view and use C key to trigger the scan effect for treasure hunting game!
First, we need to understand how the tool generates those building clusters. The ward tool takes two lists: Building Cluster List and 1x1 Building Cluster List. The tool will take those pre-made unreal actor blueprint references and spawn in the ward based on our placement algorithm. For algorithm details, please check this page.
City Layout Generation version 2 - Grid Based Filling Algorithm