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handle to the left of any to-do item to re-order. Right-click to add color.
- [x] House + roof combination
- Problem: some subnet networks get lost while being exported to Houdini Digital Assets. Cannot just simply pull the network out from the subnet because it will crash all the subnet path/reference
- [x] Fixing the story problem with architecture
- The building could only have two or more than two layers after we brought the roof in, but considering our needs, we also need one-layer building.
- [x] Adding dougong brackets and pillars, and adjusting their directions.
- We need to copy and paste dougong facing correct directions by adjusting normal, and we need to match pillars’ positions with brackets’ positions.
- [ ] Issue: subnets turn to be empty in HDA
- Reaching out to Mark & other expertise
No Core Hours
- [x] Process Grading
- [x] Team Meeting
- Clarifying both technical and artist pipeline in details and tracking the current progress.
[ ] Preparing HDA of simple building for testing
- [x] Subnet problem
- Monday problem solved: subnets may get lost if not unlocked while getting exported
- [x] meeting with professor Ramesh
- advice for artists: adding noises on textures/roads to have old/new building looks and a more natural road look.
- [x] Adding location Unreal input
- Get inspired by programmer’s road tool to figure out how to transfer input from UE5 to Houdini